What to say to this? To rail against it seems futile. I do not live in New York so I cannot vote for or against this measure. I hold no political office and cannot make law or interpret laws that are passed.
What can we say, then? Just this. God's law is superior to man's law in every way. Period. The end. What does God's law state then? In I Corinthians 6:9-10 Paul writes: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God." These are the words of God given by inspiration to Paul. How many more people would be willing to come to Christ if their sins were overlooked and they could "come as you are" to the Lord? God has a desire for us to be spotless and free from sin. We cannot be in these sins and be pleasing to Him.
How does this description of sin work with homosexual "marriage"? We see through ancient texts and manuscripts that marriage was a religious institution from the very beginning. God himself instituted marriage for his followers from the beginning to display a holy union that was not to be "put asunder" by men.
How then can homosexuals be married? They cannot take something that is holy and make it unholy. No law of man can do that.
How has the Christian failed God then? First, we have failed to emulate God's law in our lives. We have embraced divorce, unfaithfulness and loveless marriages. We have not set the example of what constitutes a Godly marriage.
Secondly, we have attacked homosexuality as a sort of "apex of sinfulness" instead of giving it the same seriousness as the other sins listed in I Corinthians 6. Thievery, drunkenness, covetousness and adulterers all come under the same judgment. Why do we view homosexuality with any greater degree of disgust?
Thirdly, we have not reached out, with Christian love, to the "homosexuals" as a group of people who are living in sin, but can be reached with the same Gospel that brought about our salvation.
More to come...