Monday, August 22, 2011

Try to be consistent and look where it gets you.

I started off with the best of intentions: try to consistently post at this blog. You have only to look at the timeline and see where that got me. Started strong, but allowed other things to grab my attention. I put off posting (I'll get to it later), rationalized it (I don't really have anything to say), and finally gave up any semblance of caring (no one reads it anyway). Then I realized that maybe I put too much pressure on myself. I WILL get to it later, I really did have something to say, and, come to find out, people actually do read it.
This sounds a lot like people in the church. We start out strong after, maybe, public repentance or baptism. We pressure ourselves to attempt "super-christianity". Then, unsurprisingly, we falter and then fall back into old habits, all the while rationalizing our behavior.
Guess what? God gets it. He's seen it all and it is not new to him. Remember, God is love. He loves us when we break promises, when we explain away bad behavior and even when we give up on Him. Luckily, God's love for me does not hinge on my blog entries, or my failed attempts at showing my zeal, or even for my occasional apathy. He loves me no matter what.
That's not to say He is not disappointed in me, or that He will not punish my disobedience. He is faithful in all his promises, including the one that says He will cast out the disobedient from His presence. I can, though, rest assured in the fact that He wants me to succeed in my walk with Him.

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